Computer network construction, wireless network with VISTA

More and more people have multiple computers at home and wish to establish a small computer network. Wired or wireless. For a network with access to the Internet to put you in any case a router. With cables or wireless, wireless. Please when buying a wireless router to speed. The g-standard, 58 Mb, is the most common. Wireless has clear benefits, but failure sensitive. Buy a good router as a cheap alternative can give many headaches. Moreover, there are other ways, such as your network through the main PC, so that in fact the role of router to take, but it ga I ease over. This provides headaches.

Grab the provider delivered Ethernet modem and connect it to the router. Choose the WAN port on the router. Cable Modems are the general problems connecting. The wireless modems can be quite different. There are wireless Ethernet modems that when setting the maximum security loss. Let you have good information. The installation of a wireless router is difficult. For the wireless connection, there are special USB adapters or PCI cards. Note there are several brands that they are compatible.

Each router has its own configuration page, you can view your web browser and the settings of the router can change. For this configuration page to get you the address of the router know. If this local address in the manual, you can find the address by the router to connect via a WAN port is not free. Turn on the router and go to Windows Start, Run. Tap here Cmd and then click Ok. Tap at the end of the line in the black screen in the command ipconfig / all in, with a space between and Ipconfig / all. Press Enter. Then you get all the IP address data. The IP address of the router is listed under Default gateway, and usually begins with or Starts the displayed IP address with 169, then there is a communication problem with the router.

The IP address of the router in typing in the address bar of Internet Explorer or another browser, you can login to the router. Windows Vista may be different. To do this, click the Network icon in the Network Center. Vista scans the network. Right-click on the displayed Web page and choose router device display. Anyway, log in now with the default password. Often that is admin, unless the instructions indicate otherwise.

Depending on the computer configuration is built after the connection to the router how the Internet between provider and your router will be undertaken. Sometimes some settings of the Internet, the gateway is adapted to that end, most routers an installation wizard, you can use. You can also easily view the network via Start, Run. Now run ncpa.cpl, and then click Ok. You can use the network to identify the name of your router and the strength of the signal. Click the wireless network and are immediately connected. The closer the PC to the router is the stronger the signal. The best place for a router and modem is near the place where the signal enters the house. That may be in the meter, just to the splitter. Or just where the cable from the provider enters the house. The closer, the better the reception. The connection to the router improves greatly if the router is set to G-only. Then, the connection according to the specifications of the g-standard, 54Mb.

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