Windows Vista speed!

Vista is the management program of Windows. It has nice visual effects but unfortunately it appears that the computer is often slow and that is not the intention. Learn how to read a few tricks to make Vista faster. Read the tips carefully and enter them as good as possible.

Startup Programs

The more programs when you boot the computer, the longer this takes. This is not useful, because most programs are not immediately needed. Open so Start, then Control Panel. Choose System and Maintenance, and then click on Tools and information on performance. Click links on the Manage Startup Programs link. A screen of Windows Defender will open with all programs that open at startup. Click a link for a program that you do not need to start and then right click Disable.

Visual effects

The new Vista Aero effects will be very beautiful. But all three-dimensional effects and transparent window Vista slower pieces. Therefore it is wise to at least some effects off. Go to Control Panel and select System and Maintenance, then System. Click links on Advanced system settings. On the Advanced tab, press Settings in the Performance box. On the Visual Effects tab, choose Custom. Remove the check marks away from the unnecessary effects. The more you remove, the faster the computer. Then press OK.

Service Pack 1

In Service Pack 1 for Windows Vista are many upgrades that make sure that Windows Vista performs better and faster. Do you download by clicking HERE and then click Download.

Disk Cleanup

The hard disk you should regularly clean up because there are many unnecessary things in it. Go to Start> All Programs> Accessories> System Tools> Disk Cleanup. A window opens where you select the hard drive with your files (similar to the defragmentation. Then you wait a while. Then you can check the things you want to delete. Vink all things except the things you really ndoig have such as Office Setup files. Then press OK and things are removed.


Vista is faster as you once every month defragments your hard disk. Go to Start> All Programs> Accessories> System Tools> Disk Defragmenter. A window opens, where you see your hard disks. Press the hard disk with the most information (usually the C-or D-Disk). Press left to analyze. If this is done, a window where you need to Defragment button. Now the disc gedefragmenteert, which can last a long time. Allow the program to its finished

Internet Explorer 7

If the Internet is slow, you just browse history. Go to Tools> Delete Browsing History. In a new window that opens you need to press the Delete Temporary Internet Files, Cookies (login go or lost!) And History.

Viruses and Spyware

The computer is very slow viruses and spyware. Therefore it is important the following programs to install.

Computer network construction, wireless network with VISTA

More and more people have multiple computers at home and wish to establish a small computer network. Wired or wireless. For a network with access to the Internet to put you in any case a router. With cables or wireless, wireless. Please when buying a wireless router to speed. The g-standard, 58 Mb, is the most common. Wireless has clear benefits, but failure sensitive. Buy a good router as a cheap alternative can give many headaches. Moreover, there are other ways, such as your network through the main PC, so that in fact the role of router to take, but it ga I ease over. This provides headaches.

Grab the provider delivered Ethernet modem and connect it to the router. Choose the WAN port on the router. Cable Modems are the general problems connecting. The wireless modems can be quite different. There are wireless Ethernet modems that when setting the maximum security loss. Let you have good information. The installation of a wireless router is difficult. For the wireless connection, there are special USB adapters or PCI cards. Note there are several brands that they are compatible.

Each router has its own configuration page, you can view your web browser and the settings of the router can change. For this configuration page to get you the address of the router know. If this local address in the manual, you can find the address by the router to connect via a WAN port is not free. Turn on the router and go to Windows Start, Run. Tap here Cmd and then click Ok. Tap at the end of the line in the black screen in the command ipconfig / all in, with a space between and Ipconfig / all. Press Enter. Then you get all the IP address data. The IP address of the router is listed under Default gateway, and usually begins with or Starts the displayed IP address with 169, then there is a communication problem with the router.

The IP address of the router in typing in the address bar of Internet Explorer or another browser, you can login to the router. Windows Vista may be different. To do this, click the Network icon in the Network Center. Vista scans the network. Right-click on the displayed Web page and choose router device display. Anyway, log in now with the default password. Often that is admin, unless the instructions indicate otherwise.

Depending on the computer configuration is built after the connection to the router how the Internet between provider and your router will be undertaken. Sometimes some settings of the Internet, the gateway is adapted to that end, most routers an installation wizard, you can use. You can also easily view the network via Start, Run. Now run ncpa.cpl, and then click Ok. You can use the network to identify the name of your router and the strength of the signal. Click the wireless network and are immediately connected. The closer the PC to the router is the stronger the signal. The best place for a router and modem is near the place where the signal enters the house. That may be in the meter, just to the splitter. Or just where the cable from the provider enters the house. The closer, the better the reception. The connection to the router improves greatly if the router is set to G-only. Then, the connection according to the specifications of the g-standard, 54Mb.

5 tips for Windows Vista

Everyone has a need, therefore, follows a number of useful tips for Windows Vista! In this article I'll explain how eg Windows Vista User Account Control (User Account Control) can turn off.

Tip 1.
Shortcuts in Windows Vista
Everyone she ever needed below a list of handy shortcuts.
Windows Logo (W) = this is the Windows key provided, this is next to the left Ctrl key.

W * Start Menu View

* W + D Desktop Display
* W + E Open Computer
* W + F Find
* W + M minimize all windows
* W + R to open Run
* W + T Switch between programs from the taskbar
* W + G Browse Gadgets
* W + Spacebar All gadgets for windows
* W + Tab switch between windows using Windows Flip
* W + Right Arrow + Enter Hibernate
* W + Right Arrow (3x) + U PC shutdown
* W + Right Arrow (3x) + R PC restart
* W + B + Left Arrow Show date
* W + B + Left Arrow + Enter Show calendar

Tip 2.
Windows Vista User Account Control (User account control) off.
Windows Vista security is tightened so nice let Windows in almost every operation a popup window where you give permission to continue. But sometimes you have to allow 5 minutes and can be frustrating.
1. Go to Start and then click "Control Panel".
2. The Control Panel opens, ga now in the configuration screen to the "User Accounts and Parental Control."
3. Go to the "User".
4. Once there, click on "User Account Control on or off.
5. It is now requested approval click "Continue"
6. The last window will open and check the box for "User User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer" now and press OK.
7. Windows Vista User Account Control is disabled.

Tip 3.
Add gadgets to the sidebar
Would you add new gadgets to your sidebar? This can be clearly explained below.
1. Go to your desktop and click with your right-click "Add Gadgets ..."
2. You will now see a folder with all the gadgets, and click on the gadget and drag that to your Sidebar.
3. You can drag the gadgets to them in another place.
4. For more gadgets to add to the folder in the folder you click on "More gadgets download gadgets that you can download and are automatically added to the folder.

Tip 4.
Hidden files in a folder.
1. Go to Start and click Control Panel.
2. Go to "Design to customize personal preferences" and click Folder Options.
3. In the new window to view and search the list on the option "Hidden files and folders".
4. Click "Hidden files and folders" and press OK.
5. All hidden files are visible.

Tip 5.
Send photos from Windows Photo Gallery
1. Open the photo in Windows Photo Gallery
2. Right click on top of "E-mail".
3. Select the desired preset size. (I recommend the original big store)
4. That outlook is launched and the picture is transmitted.

Safe surfing and computer use

Daily use your computer. Much of what you do on your PC leaves behind a trail somewhere. Search in Google, what programs you have open, which websites you have visited. Is that a problem? sometimes! Below are tips to help secure computer at home.

In normal computer remember a number of programs which are executed. Internet explorer or other default Web browsers remember about 20 days Internet sites you've visited. In addition, keywords in Google for example be remembered. Often there are also passwords for protected sites in the history of the browser.

Also windows explorer, the program that you use to browse through folders and files or programs open in history. For example for windows prefetch, a tool that "learns" to frequently used programs faster to boot.

Below is a description to ensure that Internet Explorer and Google no history, remember passwords or keywords. Also search in Google for example will no longer remember this normally done by 'Auto complete'.

You can also separate items from your search history by using the down arrow to highlight a previous search, and press Delete. The history in windows is difficult to continue. However, you can choose that not everyone can see what files you have opened.

* Click the right mouse button on the taskbar (not start but next to it)
* Select properties
* Choose the tab 'start menu'
* Click to adjust
* Advanced tab
* Where you can remove the check mark at 'recently opened files in a list.

On the hard drive a number of invisible folders "where data is stored:

* Temporary files
* Trash
* History opened and exported files
* Recently opened files

To delete these files, the above program useful.

Of course it is important to an up-to-date virus scanner on your computer so that viruses, key-loggers, trojans, adware and spyware no chance. A good virus scanner is for example: McAfee or Norton antivirus antivirus. Often, these anti-virus software with a complete package to your computer secure.

Also to enable a firewall is needed. From Windows XP SP2 is included it with windows.

Common errors in Windows

Whether you like or do not want the computer still failed to appear and hinder your work. Some errors are not serious and not much to influence the process used. Knowledge of these errors and how to overcome them is the knowledge and computer users should have.

1. Error "caused a general protection fault in module.
This is a GPF error (General Protection fault - an error general protection) that destroyed the operating system, one in serious error caused the blue screen. You can see GPF error if a program is trying to write data to a storage area restrictions, or system error of memory needed to implement a function is.
Solutions GPF error is rebooting the computer. As causes of this phenomenon so many difficult to determine precisely the origin cause problems. Resolve the most basic is uninstall all the software and hardware in the nearest time, perform maintenance on the system overall, and implementation of a "clean boot".

2. Error "Rundll: error loading. The modle specified could not be found ".
Error message "Rundll" appears when Windows can not determine the position that a file it should download. Error may be related to software not remove all, or driver error, virus, or spyware.
Solutions you need to do is run kill spyware applications (such as Ad-ware and Spybot Search & Destroy) and then the virus scanning system. If error related to a software installation, please uninstall the software from. Finally, you need to start your computer in clean mode to determine the command line causes the error.

3. Error "Can not find the file (or one of its components). Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all required libraries are available ".
Just a headache, error messages may be symptoms of a small event, such as mistakenly deleting files, or a large event, such as the virus has spread throughout the system . You need to do a virus scan and reinstall the program-related files (file) missing. If the error still occurs, use My Computer or Windows Explorer to determine the exact name and location of the file.
This error can only happen when you double-click the shortcut on the Desktop. If this is the case, then simply click on the shortcut, select Properties, then type the exact name and path in the Target.

4. "Windows Update has encountered an error and can not display the requested page."
A common error related to the installation of the latest upgrade for Windows. This error prevents you access to the Web site upgrade Windows Update ( How to fix this?
In most cases, you can correct the error set by the latest IE. In addition, users of Windows XP and Windows 2000 should install the latest service pack for the operating system. In Windows XP, you need to activate the automatic upgrade Automated Updates (open Control Panel, select Performance And Maintenance, System, select the Automatic Updates tab, then select the Automatic).

5. "Windows encountered an error Accessing the System Registry. Windows will restart and repair the system Registry for you. "
Registry is a database storage system configuration and reference users, they are very sensitive and with any dangerous operation is made for Windows is "do break". We can use the solutions below ...
Create an empty space on the Windows installation drive (minimum of 10%). Delete the old file is not used to. Next use the Windows Me and Windows XP need to restore the computer and the initial state until the problem occurs. Clicking on Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools, System Restore. When you open System Restore utility, you select Restore My Computer To An Early Times, click Next, and select a time of need recovery (day occurred before the error message), then follow the instructions.

Operating System help and support

The mix of applications

We do not recommend that you ignore the applications are using. If you are a graphic designer, working in 3dsmax, you will see many advantages when property has a CPU speed even with all other components such as memory ...

Even so, most people are not using the application form. That is why we need to consider the problem of mixed applications. For applications requiring strict but do not use regularly, you also do not constitute a leadership that CPU must meet.

Issues mixed applications in an angle that can be a burden for the processor even more than one application depth, the processor core application specific. So it is mixed application will create a big difference for the choice of CPU will work how.

Understand your application

Do you know the applications of their work like? Easily notice that, applications will need Word CPU less than Photoshop. In other words, if a user of Photoshop former you like a system has more memory or hard drive more than first complete CPU. Even to the applications in the computer game different, may need to manifold. For example, a shooter may prefer to have a great graphics card.

So take a moment to research the most common applications of how you will be much useful, not only select a set of processors of the best that can modify the system and applications for the best results.

Considering the background tasks

You are using Windows XP or Windows Vista? To consider your Task bar. In my Task bar with 8 icons of the application of lightweight, they are all very useful and necessary. You should also try to review Task manager. Often have large numbers of applications and services running in the background later. Many things are in idle mode, but some other continuously occupied lost a cycle of CPU processing.

Obviously you can really turn off all unnecessary services. But the system is when I do it idle will help you assess the needs of you. Background tasks will not matter for CPU choice but you also need to know to minimize CPU use for this task.

Other users need

If you have other people share a computer, they have their own ID, you may need to consider what they need. Can all you need to do with computers as writing an email, perform a small calculation and web surfing. Wife or husband but you are using software as a serious software such as Photoshop, the child of your preferred gaming machine. What their needs may need to set a good processor for the system, and clearly far beyond the needs of your needs. This shows that not always depend on you.

The less known features in Windows 7

First impressions of the test version of Windows 7 suggest that the new operating system will not cause a landslide. Number seven has a few nice features that enrich the interface. If you can shake 'with the mouse to non-active windows immediately to minimize. Only the selected window is still open. The function is handed over to a full screen application windows to be cleaned up immediately to grasp gadgets on your desktop live.

The Shake feature works only if the Aero interface enabled. Another little discussed feature in Windows 7 is an index that indicates how stable your computer. The Reliability Monitor hides in the new Windows Solutions Center, a component that gives users tools to solve problems. The Reliabilty Monitor delivers a score of 0 to 10 (where'10 'stands for stable) and is based on a measurement by the Ractask component of a long time. A first score appears only after several hours, but longer term there may be a stability review weekly, monthly or even annual basis be requested. A third feature is exposed in the Credential Manager. This is an ingrained 'safe' for log-ins, passwords and certificates - for example, largely similar to the Keychain in Mac OS X.

The first signs of an early Windows 7 feature complete version to observe. It does not last long. Soon is Microsoft's public beta version of the successor to Windows Vista. Windows 7 is the first operating system that is written according to a new protocol. For several components, new features to be completely written before they are added to the overall build. For other components (such as explorer) are features which previously added because they have a major impact on all other parts. In some cases, these features turned off. (but to unlock). This new approach ensures that the quality and number of public build may be limited. Since only complete feature will be added to Microsoft most likely a single Beta build. Normally the latest beta build of Windows the feature complete version, that can be started with the crush of bugs in the Release Candidate versions. Of course this is all highly speculative, because Windows Vista introduces a substantially new code base for many components, which may be more robust than the code bases of previous versions of Windows.

How to repair computer by your self ?

Every day, most of people all over the world faces the problems with their personal computers. Some computer problems are easier to repair and some others are very difficult. Just as with automobile repairs, there are some steps you should follow when repairing your personal computer by your own. You can do yourself, and save you from having to pay for costly repairs in a computer repair shop.

Generally there are two types of problems that you can encounter when operating your computer. These problems either may be problems with software, or problems with hardware.

The first step to use when you are facing problem with your computer and want to repairing it is the process of elimination. If your computer is running much more slowly than usual, or giving many error messages, try closing any programs that you currently are not using. Leaving programs opened when they are not in use can cause your computer to become unstable and sluggish.

If you have closed your unused programs and still facing same slow operating system or intermittent error messages, close every open program and reboot your computer once. Rebooting your computer clears system resources such as unused memory and hard disk space that programs and files take up. You can delete temporary files and folder. Even you can run the disk cleanup utility:

> Start
> All Program
> Accessories
> System Tools
> Disk Cleanup

If you still encounter errors with software, then you can try un-installing the application, or upgrading to the latest version of the application and device drivers.

After rebooting the computer, delete any un-wanted files that you do not need anymore such as old word processing documents, files in your Internet history, and Internet cookies. Keeping old and unused files on your hard drive, especially your Internet browsing history, Internet temporary files and cookies. It is possibility that your computer could became infected with spyware and viruses. In that case you would have to full scan your all files such as word processing documents and pictures in the future, move them to a removable storage device such as a floppy disk CD-ROM or a jump drive.

Home computer Repair

The needed of computer increasing day by day, whether in the home or at the workplace. People keep become depend almost wholeheartedly on computer. Everyones want their computer performance fast, then you should have to understand some points to maintenance and repair the computer. There are some point outs to maintain and repair your personal computer by your self at your home:

1. When you start your computer it is recommended that please let your computer boot up completely, Before starts working on your computer. Do not open any application during the boot up process, because it could be your computer hang.

2. Never turn you computer off with witch off the power button, until windows has completely shutdown. unemphatically shutdown is the main cause of Hard Disk crash, and windows and other software crash. To avoid unemphatically cutoff power always use UPS. If application hang during the shutdown, you can end that application task end by the help of Windows Task Manager as; press Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys and click the Task manager key, here select the application in process tab and end them.

3. Virus Scanning: Generally home computer user says that sometime their computer gets unexpected behavior, like application hang-up, restarting problem, getting pop-ups, data corruptions etc. there are some sign of viruses and Spywares infection. For prevent form viruses scan your computer with good Antivirus daily basis, keep it in your mind before scanning update your Antivirus definition first. If you are using Windows
Vista there is inbuilt feature for viruses and Spyware protection named Windows defender to enable this feature:
> Start
> Click All Programs
> and then click
> Windows Defender.

4. Always Scan Disk utility checked you hard disk for any kind of logical error and fix them when you run it.
To run the Scan Disk
>Right Click My computer icon
>Click Properties
>In Error-checking, click check Now.

5. Disk De fragmentation process reduce the amount of fragmentation in file systems. It is reorganize noncontiguous files into contiguous files, which cause increased reliability and performance of hard disk.
To start it
>Right click My computer icon
>Click manage
>Select Disk De fragmentation.

6. Deletion of unwanted or temporary files should be your daily basis work. For better Internet browser delete temporarily Internet files regularly basis. Go to Tools > Internet Option > Advance Tab. Same as for windows delete files from "temp" folder. Empty the recycle bin regularly. files are not really deleted from your hard drive until recycle bin empty.

Above mentioned point to be very helpful. Every user should be write down for any kind of computer repair. It will be very helpful for maintenance your computer.

iYogi Acquires Clean Machine Inc.

Larry Gordon, Founder of Clean Machine appointed as President Global Channel Sales at iYogi

New York, NY, May 11th, 2009 : iYogi, a global direct to consumer and small business remote technical support provider, today announced it’s acquisition of Clean Machine Inc, a provider of remotely administered PC security and performance management services. Clean Machine will operate as a separate brand under the iYogi services umbrella along with the recently lunched Support Dock ( and its comprehensive range of 24/7 technical support services for computers, printers, MP3 players, digital camera, routers, servers and more than 100 software applications. Larry Gordon, Founder of Clean Machine is appointed as the President of Global Channel Sales for iYogi.

computer repair,help and support

iYogi will integrate technology and innovation that Clean Machine Inc. has developed for delivering an enhanced service experience by proactively managing the health and security for PC's and Apple Computers. This acquisition also broadens iYogi's access to key markets through Clean Machine's existing partnerships. Larry Gordon's past experience and successful track record will accelerate iYogi's expansion through his focus on global alliances.
Commenting on the acquisition of Clean Machine Inc., Uday Challu, CEO & Co-founder of iYogi, said,

"This acquisition will help iYogi to enhance our customer experience and extend our market reach to the millions of consumers that are challenged by the increasingly complex technology environment. Clean Machine's proactive maintenance and management of PCs in home and small business environment will be our launch platform for building the next generation of managed services for consumers."

"We are delighted to have Larry spearheading partnerships and global alliances for iYogi. His incredible experience in marketing, sales and building global alliances will help forge partnerships with retailers, multiple service operators, software publishers, original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and other such companies that are at the frontlines for managing tech support issues for consumers and small businesses",
added Challu.

With more than 20 years of experience, Larry Gordon has played a variety of strategic roles in marketing, sales and building alliances. Larry was the Executive Vice President at Capgemini and Kanbay. He was also VP of Global Marketing for Cognizant (Nasdaq: CTSH), a leader in global IT services and Director of Marketing for New York based Information Builders.

"I am excited to join a company that shares a common mission to Clean Machine in creating a global brand for delivering the best technical support to consumers and small businesses. We also share a common approach of utilizing highly skilled talent with leading edge tools, thereby delivering services at incredible price-points, with high margins for our partners",
said Larry Gordon, the newly appointed President of Global Channel Sales at iYogi.


Headquartered in Gurgaon, India with offices in New York, USA, iYogi provides personalized computer support for consumers and small businesses in United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. IYogi's 24/7 phone and remote technical assistance, spans across a comprehensive range of technologies we use every day from a wide range of vendors. Utilizing its proprietary technology iMantra , and highly qualified technicians, iYogi delivers amongst the highest benchmarks for resolution and customer satisfaction. iYogi is privately held and funded by SAP Ventures, Canaan Partners, and SVB India Capital Partners. iYogi was recently awarded the Red Herring Global 100 Award, recognizing it as one of the 100 most innovative private companies driving the future of technology. For more information on iYogi and a detailed list of technologies supported, visit:


Clean Machine Inc. is a NJ-based and incorporated company that helps consumers and small business owners easily manage and protect their computing environments safely and cost effectively. The company is has a unique, powerful and inexpensive PC concierge service. Specifically, each customer is assigned a highly-trained tech concierge who remotely examines their computer system on a scheduled and very secure basis. The PC concierge will immediately fix software-based problems and prevent new threats to the customer's computing environment including offensive pop-ups, browser redirects and slow performance, and then provides a detailed report. Clean Machine's proprietary Radar(TM) technology (Remote Access Detection Audit and Repair) allows its expert technicians to remotely resolve any problems, eliminating the need for customers to go through the frustrating process of speaking with a tech support expert, and still having to do the work themselves. In other words, the Clean Machine PC concierges do it all. For more information on Clean Machine please visit
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