When Lightning Strikes a Modem
Q. The first time I used my laptop after a heavy storm, the home computer repair would not hold a dial tone when I tried to dial up to the Internet, and I still cannot get online with that computer. If this modem is fried, can I get an external modem for my laptop, or are there other options?
A. Computers and modems are vulnerable to power surges caused by lightning storms, as well as other power fluctuations caused by brownouts and blackouts. Most likely, your dial-up modem did take a hit during the storm. If you have checked the driver software and settings and the modem still will not connect, you probably need to repair the modem or replace it.
A computer repair shop should be able to open your laptop and make sure that the internal modem was the only thing damaged before repairing or replacing the part. An internal modem will probably cost less than $25, plus labor. You can also find internal modems for sale at Web sites specializing in laptop parts and have a technician install it if you don’t feel comfortable trying it yourself.
If you do not want to repair or replace the internal modem, there are external modems available for laptops. Most cost around $50, and you can find them in computer shops. These types of modems connect through the laptop’s U.S.B. port and provide a jack on the other end to connect the phone cord. The U.S. Robotics USR5637 modem is one such example.
If you have a cellphone, you might be able to use it as a modem; check with your wireless carrier for specifics.
In the future, using a surge protector with outlets for both electrical and phone cords might help protect your equipment, but shutting down and unplugging everything at the first sign of an electrical disturbance is your safest bet.
source : http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/22/technology/personaltech/22askk-002.html?ref=personaltech